Maranatha Children’s Ministries, also known as Marantha Kids, is a fun and interactive ministry for children birth to 13 years of age. The mission of Marantha Kids is to help kids foster and deepen their relationship with God and love for one another by nurturing their mind, body, and spirit. Our vision is that we see ourselves becoming a family of believers, transformed by the presence of Jesus to change this world.
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Cradle Roll: Lesson 3 "Jesus Goes to Church"
Kindergarten: Lesson 10 "Follow Me"
Primary: Lesson 10 "Home Again"
Junior Powerpoints: Lesson10 "Keep Talking"
Kindergarten: Lesson 10 "Follow Me"
Primary: Lesson 10 "Home Again"
Junior Powerpoints: Lesson10 "Keep Talking"
Vacation Bible Experience 2022
Also, we are in the midst of planning VBS 2022! It will be in-person and will take place during the Divine Worship Service every Sabbath for 5 weeks beginning July 9th. Registration will be available in the coming week.
Maranatha Kids is supported by a dedicated team of adult and youth volunteers who love and embrace each child as if they were their own.
Children's Church
Children’s Church is available for children 5-13 years and takes place every week in the Fellowship Hall and Sabbath School Classrooms. This service allows the children the opportunity to worship in a manner in which they can understand and participate. Children’s Church is divided into 4 quarters, with a theme for each quarter. A typical service includes praise and worship, prayer, offering, a spotlight on the theme for the quarter, bible lesson, arts and crafts, and a light snack.
We also have Wee Church for ages 0-4 years every week. Wee Church follows a similar format as Children’s Church.
We also have Wee Church for ages 0-4 years every week. Wee Church follows a similar format as Children’s Church.
Sabbath School
Sabbath School begins every Saturday at 9:45-10:30pm. Children have an opportunity to learn in age appropriate classrooms, bible stories, memory verses and songs that talk about the love of Christ and how to be kind to others. Classes are as follows:
Cradle Roll (birth to 3 years)
Kindergarten (4-5 years)
Primary (6-9)
Juniors/Teens (10-13 years)
Youth (14-19 years)
Cradle Roll (birth to 3 years)
Kindergarten (4-5 years)
Primary (6-9)
Juniors/Teens (10-13 years)
Youth (14-19 years)
Spiritual Life Lesson
We are pleased to teach our children spiritual principles such as tithing, cooking, and money management in ways that are fun and practical.
Safety is Key
All children who participate in Children’s Church are checked in via our KidsCheck system. This system allows volunteers to know how many children are participating in Children’s Church at any given time, by age, as well as be aware of children who may have allergies or other special needs, and offers a convenient manner for us to contact parents via text message if we should need them. All children must be checked in by a parent or guardian. Download the app for faster and convenient check in!
Weekly Schedule
1st and 3rd Sabbath, Children’s Church starts at 11am until the end of Divine Worship Service
2nd and 4th Sabbath, Children’s Church starts immediately after Children’s Story. This allows children and their parents the opportunity to worship together in the Sanctuary for a portion of the service before they participate in Children’s Church. Children’s Church ends at the end of the Divine Worship Service.
5th Sabbath, Children’s Church will support Youth Day by joining the Divine Worship Service in the Sanctuary.
2nd and 4th Sabbath, Children’s Church starts immediately after Children’s Story. This allows children and their parents the opportunity to worship together in the Sanctuary for a portion of the service before they participate in Children’s Church. Children’s Church ends at the end of the Divine Worship Service.
5th Sabbath, Children’s Church will support Youth Day by joining the Divine Worship Service in the Sanctuary.
Children's Choir
The Children’s Choir sings every second Sabbath during the Divine Worship Service. The children practice during Children’s Church on a weekly basis. We also provide a link to the selected songs to parents so that children can become familiar with and practice the songs at home.
Other Fun Activities
Throughout the year, Marantha Kids will sponsor fun-filled activities for children and their families. Please check out the MIX (Maranatha Information Exchange) for up to date information about our activities and events.
Children's Story
Children’s Story takes place every 2nd and 4th Sabbath during the Divine Worship Service. During this time, the children are told a story with a moral for them to ponder. Children’s Church immediately follows Children’s Story.
Baby and Child Dedication
Having your child dedicated to the Lord, is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. If you are interested in having your child dedicated, please send an email to and include the following information:
Child(rens) name
Date of birth
Parents Name
Two pictures of child(ren)
Favorite bible scripture (if you have one)
It’s never to early or too late to have your child dedicated to the Lord.
Child(rens) name
Date of birth
Parents Name
Two pictures of child(ren)
Favorite bible scripture (if you have one)
It’s never to early or too late to have your child dedicated to the Lord.
Wholistic Approach
Being well-rounded is essential for everyone. We are pleased to provide you, our parents, with this valuable tool. It can be incorporated into your children's lives to help them experience spiritual, mental, and physical growth.
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