For as the body is one, and hath many members,....
1 Corinthians 12:12
Our ministries are the life blood of Maranatha. We offer a variety of ministries to enhance your worship experience. Whether you are looking for a church where you can study the word of God, enjoy activities for your children, or fellowship with seniors and singles, Maranatha is the place for you.
Not only can you worship with us, but we encourage you to be a part of one of the more than 30 ministries available at Maranatha. If there is a ministry you do not see, please feel free to let us know how we can fill that need.
Not only can you worship with us, but we encourage you to be a part of one of the more than 30 ministries available at Maranatha. If there is a ministry you do not see, please feel free to let us know how we can fill that need.
Men Ministries
Singles Ministries
Women Ministries
Sabbath Mornings
9:00 am - Sabbatb School
Join us on Saturday morning for the Church at study. Classes are designed to accommodate all ages from birth to 100 +
Adults study in the main sanctuary while children and youth enjoy a kid designed study experience.
Adults study in the main sanctuary while children and youth enjoy a kid designed study experience.
11: 00 am - Divine Worship
We invite you to be apart of a our worship experience with Bible-based teaching and encouragement, spirit-filled music and testimonies, as well as great fellowship.