Maranatha’s Community Service program has been around for decades. It is the largest outreach ministry at Maranatha. Our mission is to serve others and to build relationships with people in our community while helping to meet their needs. We strive to show the love of Christ to everyone we encounter.
Food Distribution
Maranatha Community Service distributes food to over 600 families every other week. Individuals come for various parts of the Metro Atlanta area for assistance. Everyone is able to get food, however, we work with families with children to complete an application for additional food and services.
Social Services
Atlanta City representatives from Social Services work with Community Service to assist community members in obtaining Social Security Benefits, Medicaid and Medicare, and SNAP. To assist with employment, Community Service provides information on availability and location of jobs.
Additional Services
Along with providing food, Community Service offers prayer for any individual who requests prayer. Furthermore, we offer health screening, such as blood pressure and diabetes testing. This ministry also offers clothing and coat distributions at specific times of the year or when requested. Finally, we host an annual Back To School Community Event, where we provide children from the community with stuffed backpacks, provide hairstyling for girls, and hair cuts for boys to prepare them for school.