Connect with our vibrant Youth and Children's Ministries
The future of our church is of vital importance to us. Therefore, it is imperative that we invest in our youth and children through worship and leadership. Each week our young people are led in ministry initiatives that will deepen their personal relationship with Christ while having fun. Join us each week as there is Children's Church and Youth Church led by a fantastic team of volunteers who are led by the Holy Spirit.
Adventist Youth
Adventist Youth Ministries provides an avenue for our young people ages 13 - 35 to get to know Christ for themselves. It is designed to reach them where they are and bring them to a fuller and clearer knowledge of how much God loves them and has great plans for their lives.
The Adventurer Club is awakens the joy and wonder of being a child. Children ages 4-9 are invited into a journey of getting to know God, themselves, their community, and family. The Adventurer Club also assist parents in making the development of their children a richer and more meaningful experience.
Maranatha is pleased to provide an area for our boys and men to play sports. During the basketball season, we invite boys, young men and adult men to join our teams.
Children's Ministries
Children's Ministries is a dynamic and exciting ministry geared for our children from birth to 12 years old. This vibrant ministry provides the setting for children to worship Kidz Style. It includes Children's Sabbath School, Wee Church, Children's Church, Adventurers and Pathfinders.
Maranatha Education Ministry is dedicated to being a catalyst for change in the lives of all our students. It is our desire to assist all students, those in Christian education and those in other avenues of education.
The Pathfinder Club is design to keep young people ages 10 - 15 engaged and excited to learn about Christ and the world around them. Pathfindering is built on the fact that young people learn best by example. When they see Christ in those who seek to guide them, they too seek to emulate those Christian principles.
Youth Church
Find us in the lower level, every other week, where the young people lead out in worship.
Children's Church
Join us each week on the lower level, check in your child with our state of the art KidCheck system.